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Gently Cooked Dog Food

We talk a lot about how gently cooked dog food is the best way to maximize the nutritional value of the ingredients. But what do we mean by “gently cooked,” exactly?


Affordable Veterinary Care

Not everyone has enough money saved for that proverbial rainy day, let alone pet insurance. However, there are resources available to provide low-cost veterinary care for pet parents in need.


Why Do Dogs Eat Snow?

It could be just playfulness, curiosity, or maybe because of underlying health problems. Read on to learn why your four-legged friend eats snow.


Low Residue Dog Food

Designed to minimize the workload on the digestive system, a low residue dog food diet can be a game-changer for your pet’s overall health.


Breed Specific Dog Food

While it might seem appealing, it’s important to ask whether breed-specific dog food is truly necessary or just a clever marketing strategy.


Meet Simon

Watch this video and meet Simon, the adorable tri-pawd and real-life inspiration for JustFoodForDogs.

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