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Why Do Dogs Sniff Butts?

Have you ever wondered what does get out of sniffing each others butts? There's actually a very practical reason behind this behavior!


How to Bond with Your Dog 

When you’re lucky enough to share your life with a dog, you enjoy a strong human-animal bond. Read for tips from a certified trainer on how to bond with your dog.


Non-Processed Dog Food

Dog owners have heard all the descriptors — raw food, natural, fresh, organic, whole, commercial, and non-processed dog food. But what do these mean, and which is better for your dog’s diet?


Why Do Dogs Have Tails?

Why do dogs have tails? Let’s explore what scientists know about the evolution and function of tails and how domestication may have affected this much beloved physical trait.


Can Dogs Eat Dates? 

If you’re like many pet parents, you often share your treats…carrots, crackers, and sliced apples are all safe for dogs, but what about dates?


Preventative Care for Dogs

Preventative care is the cornerstone of keeping your dog happy and healthy throughout their life. Here's all things preventative care for dogs, from essential checkups to parasite control.


Colitis in Dogs

Colitis in dogs is when the colon becomes inflamed. It's important to see your veterinarian is your dog exhibits the following symptoms.

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