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Why Is My Dog So Gassy?

Dogs who have excessive flatulence can be a pretty stinky experience for pet owners, but does being extra gassy in dogs mean something more?

Common reasons your dog is farting so much and what you can do about it.

Dogs who have excessive flatulence can be a pretty stinky experience for pet owners, but does extra gas in dogs mean something more? There are a handful of common reasons your dog may have excessive gas, and knowing the causes is the first step to getting your pup to be less of a stinker.

Why Is My Dog Farting So Much? Common Causes of Dog Gas

While normal dog flatulence is nothing to worry about, bad gas or the buildup of gas in dogs is no fun and can indicate digestive issues or other underlying health issues. Figuring out the cause of your furry friend’s flatulence will help you know what to do about it.

Change in Diet

what does human grade mean brown dog with empty bowl looking up

A change in your dog’s diet is the most common reason dogs experience an increase in gassiness. Whether changing your dog’s kibble or adding a new food to vary their diet, sometimes their digestive system needs time to adjust. Staggering the addition of new food or changing the type of dog food you serve can help reduce change-related dog gas.

Digestive Illness or Infection

Digestive illnesses or infections are another common cause of gas in dogs. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a medical condition where your dog’s gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed. This can come from a reaction to a parasite or bacteria, or a bad reaction to certain proteins in their diet. IBD can result in poor digestion which can lead to an increase in flatulence from Fido.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be another culprit of excessive gas. This is where your dog’s intestinal muscles struggle to function normally, leading to issues like diarrhea or constipation and of course, flatulence. In dogs, IBS is often stress or anxiety related which can be caused by things like moving, separation anxiety, a new baby, or a new pet in the home.

Food Allergies

Food allergies in dogs can cause a number of symptoms to occur, including excessive gassiness. When your dog has an allergic reaction to food, their digestive system is under stress. This can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and of course an increase in gas production.

Introduce new foods slowly and make sure the human food you share is safe for dogs are two ways to prevent food allergies from affecting your dog too seriously.

Food Intolerance

While your dog may not be fully allergic, there are certain human foods that your dog may not digest well. Common examples of these types of foods can be dairy products for dogs with lactose intolerance, spicy foods, and soybeans. High-fiber foods like Brussels sprouts can also cause an increase in dog gas.

In general, these foods are fine in moderation, but if you’re noticing an increase in gas production after sharing them with your dog you may want to consider holding off.

Swallowed Air

When your dog eats or drinks water, they also ingest small amounts of air. Respiratory diseases can cause dogs to swallow air in high enough amounts to lead to gas, as well as feeding your dog too soon after exercising if they haven’t had a chance to catch their breath.

Certain types of dogs known as brachycephalic breeds have shorter heads and tend to swallow more air while they’re eating or drinking because of the way their noses are positioned on their face. Examples of these types of dogs include bulldogs, pugs, and Boston terriers.

How Can I Help My Gassy Dog? How To Stop Dog Farts.

Pet parents who want to help their pup be less stinky have several simple, at-home options for decreasing their dog’s flatulence. Here are some steps to ensure your dog’s digestive tract is healthy and happy (and as fart-free as possible).

Choose High-Quality Dog Food

The best way to keep your dog’s digestive tract healthy (and avoid smelly gas situations) is by providing them with a consistent, high-quality diet. Your dog’s diet should include varied sources of nutrition including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. JustFoodForDogs’ fresh dog food is made from only whole ingredients, perfectly balanced to meet your dog’s nutritional needs.

Stagger New Foods

Sudden change in diet is one of the most common causes of flatulence in dogs. When transitioning your dog to a new food or adding a new food to their diet, start by slowly replacing a small amount of their old food with the new food, and increasing the new food to old food ratio over the course of at least a week.

Add Probiotics To Your Dog’s Diet

Since an imbalance in gut bacteria can be a cause of excessive gas in dogs, adding a probiotic to their diet can help counteract bad bacteria that cause gas. Probiotics and supplements like JustFoodForDogs’ omega-plus supplements for dogs can increase your dog’s nutrient intake, help regulate digestive health, and reduce digestive symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and flatulence.

Don’t Share Table Scraps

There are plenty of human foods that are safe to share with your dog, though some of them (like Brussels sprouts) may contribute to your dog passing gas. It’s often not the foods themselves but the oils, seasonings, and other flavors in human foods that can be irritating to your dog’s digestive system.

Manage Your Dog’s Meals

If your dog ingests a lot of air when they eat or drink, it can build up in their system and come out as gas. Sometimes this might look like burping since the air went in through their mouth, but it can also come out the other end as smelly gas.

Make sure your dog is able to breathe clearly and deeply before mealtime. Dog owners of brachycephalic breeds might also want to try a slow-feeder bowl for dog food that releases only a certain amount and helps your dog take their time eating. You can also try feeding your dog smaller meals more often instead of large meals once or twice per day.